Netwalk package

Module contents

Main file for library

class netwalk.Device(mgmt_address, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Device type

add_interface(intobject: netwalk.interface.Interface)

Add interface to device


intobject (netwalk.Interface) – Interface to add

discovery_status: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]]
fabric: Fabric
facts: dict
hostname: str
interfaces: Dict[str, Interface]

Dict of {name: Interface}

mgmt_address: Union[ipaddress.ip_address, str]
class netwalk.Fabric

Bases: object

Defines a fabric, i.e. a graph of connected Devices and their global mac address table

Join switches by CDP neighborship


Refresh count macs per interface. Tries to guess where mac addresses are by assigning them to the interface with the lowest total mac count

add_device(switch: netwalk.device.Switch, credentials, napalm_optional_args=None, **kwargs)

Try to connect to, and if successful add to fabric, a new Device object

  • host (str) – IP or hostname of device to connect to

  • credentials (list(tuple(str,str))) – List of (username, password) tuples to try

  • napalm_optional_args (list(dict)) – Optional_args to pass to NAPALM, as many as you want

discovery_status: Dict[str, Any]

Dictionary of {hostname: status} where status can be “Queued”, “Failed” or a datetime of when the discovery was completed. It is set and used by init_from_seed_device()

find_paths(start_sw, end_sw)

Return a list of all interfaces from ‘start’ Switch to ‘end’ Switch

init_from_seed_device(seed_hosts: str, credentials: list, napalm_optional_args=None, parallel_threads=1, neigh_validator_callback=None)

Initialise entire fabric from a seed device.

  • seed_hosts (str) – List of IP or hostname of seed devices

  • credentials (list) – List of (username, password) tuples to try

  • napalm_optional_args (list(dict(str, str)), optional) – Optional_args to pass to NAPALM for telnet

  • neigh_validator_callback (function) – Function accepting a Device object. Return True if device should be actively discovered

logger: logging.Logger
mac_table: Dict[netaddr.eui.EUI, dict]

Calculated global mac address table across all switches in the fabric. Generated by _recalculate_macs(). Dictionary of {netaddr.EUI (mac address object): attribute_dictionary}. Contains pointer to Interface object where the mac is.


Update global information such as mac address position and cdp neighbor adjacency

switches: Dict[str, netwalk.device.Switch]

A dictionary of {hostname: Switch}

class netwalk.Interface(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Define an interface Can be initialised with any of the values or by passing an array containing each line of the interface configuration.

Converted to str it outputs the corresponding show running configuration. All unparsed lines go to “unparsed_lines” and are returned when converted to str

_allowed_vlan_to_list(vlanlist: str) set

Expands vlan ranges


vlanlist (str) – String of vlans from config, i.e. 1,2,3-5


Set of vlans

Return type


_calculate_sort_order() None

Generate unique sorting number from port id to sort interfaces meaningfully

abort: Optional[str]

data from show interface

add_child_interface(child_interface) None

Method to add interface to child interfaces and assign it a parent

add_neighbor(neigh_int: netwalk.interface.Interface) None

Method to add bidirectional neighborship to an interface

address: dict
allowed_vlan: set
bandwidth: Optional[str]

data from show interface

bia: Optional[str]

data from show interface

bpduguard: bool
channel_group: Optional[int]
channel_protocol: Optional[str]
child_interfaces: List[netwalk.interface.Interface]
config: List[str]
counters: Optional[dict]
crc: Optional[str]

data from show interface

delay: Optional[str]

data from show interface

description: Optional[str]
device: Optional[Switch]
duplex: Optional[str]

data from show interface

encapsulation: Optional[str]
generate_config(full=False) str

Generate show run from self data

hardware_type: Optional[str]

data from show interface

input_errors: Optional[str]

data from show interface

input_packets: Optional[str]

data from show interface

input_rate: Optional[str]

data from show interface

is_enabled: bool
is_up: bool
last_clearing: Optional[datetime.datetime]

data from show interface

last_in: Optional[datetime.datetime]

data from show interface

last_out: Optional[datetime.datetime]

data from show interface

last_out_hang: Optional[datetime.datetime]

data from show interface

logger: logging.Logger
mac_address: Optional[netaddr.eui.EUI]
mac_count: int = 0

Total number of mac addresses behind this interface

media_type: Optional[str]

data from show interface

mode: str
mtu: Optional[int]

data from show interface

name: str
native_vlan: int
neighbors: List[Any]

List of neighbors connected to the interface. List because CDP might show more than one. If the neighbour is another Switch, it’s turned into the other end’s Interface object otherwise remains a dict containing all the parsed data.

output_errors: Optional[str]

data from show interface

output_packets: Optional[str]

data from show interface

output_rate: Optional[str]

data from show interface

parent_interface: Optional[netwalk.interface.Interface]

Parse configuration from show run

protocol_status: Optional[str]
queue_strategy: Optional[str]

data from show interface

routed_port: bool
sort_order: Optional[int]
speed: Optional[str]

data from show interface

switch: Optional[Switch]

pointer to parent’s Switch object

type_edge: bool
unparsed_lines: List[str]
voice_vlan: Optional[int]
vrf: str
class netwalk.Switch(mgmt_address, **kwargs)

Bases: netwalk.device.Device

Switch object to hold data Initialize with name and hostname, call retrieve_data() to connect to device and retrieve automaticlly or pass config as string to parse locally

INTERFACE_FILTER = '^interface ([Pp]ort-channel|\\w*Ethernet|\\w*GigE|Vlan|Loopback).'
INTERFACE_TYPES = '([Pp]ort-channel|\\w*Ethernet|\\w*GigE|Vlan|Loopback).'
_cisco_time_to_dt(time: str) datetime.datetime

Converts time from now to absolute, starting when Switch object was initialised

  • time – Cisco diff time (e.g. ‘00:00:01’ or ‘5w4d’)

  • type – str


Absolute time

Return type


_get_switch_data(whitelist: Optional[List[str]] = None, blacklist: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Get data from switch. If no argument is passed, scan all modules

  • whitelist (list(str)) – List of modules to scan, defaults to None

  • blacklist (list(str)) – List of modules to exclude from scan, defaults to None

Either whitelist or blacklist can be passed. If both are passed, whitelist takes precedence over blacklist.

Valid values are: - ‘mac_address’ - ‘interface_status’ - ‘cdp_neighbors’ - ‘lldp_neighbors’ - ‘vtp’ - ‘vlans’ - ‘l3_int’ - ‘local_admins’ - ‘inventory’

Running config is ALWAYS returned


Ask for and parse CDP neighbors


Parse show run


Ask for and parse LLDP neighbors


Parse output of show inteface with greater data collection than napalm

arp_table: Dict[ipaddress.IPv4Interface, dict]
config: Optional[str]

Pass at init time to parse config automatically

connect(username: str, password: str, napalm_optional_args: Optional[dict] = None) None

Connect to device

  • username (str) – username

  • password (str) – password

  • napalm_optional_args (dict, optional) – Check Napalm’s documentation about optional-args, defaults to None


Get active vlans from switch. Only lists vlans configured on ports



Return type


hostname: str
interfaces: Dict[str, netwalk.interface.Interface]

Dict of {name: Interface}

interfaces_ip: dict
inventory: List[Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]

Time of object initialization. All timers will be calculated from it

local_admins: Optional[Dict[str, dict]]
logger: logging.Logger
mac_table: dict
napalm_optional_args: dict
retrieve_data(username: str, password: str, napalm_optional_args: Optional[dict] = None, scan_options: Optional[dict] = None)

One-stop function to get data from switch.

  • username (str) – username

  • password (str) – password

  • napalm_optional_args (dict) – Refer to Napalm’s documentation

  • scan_options (dict(str, list(str))) – Valid keys are ‘whitelist’ and ‘blacklist’. Value must be a list of options to pass to _get_switch_data

timeout: int
vlans: Optional[Dict[int, dict]]
vlans_set: set
vtp: Optional[str]


netwalk.fabric module


alias of <module ‘netwalk.fabric’ from ‘/home/docs/checkouts/’>

netwalk.interface module


alias of <module ‘netwalk.interface’ from ‘/home/docs/checkouts/’>

netwalk.device module


alias of <module ‘netwalk.device’ from ‘/home/docs/checkouts/’>